Sentence Rearrangement Practice Set 1

Directions : the first and last parts of the paragraph/sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The remaining part of the paragraph/ sentence is split into four parts and named p, q, r and s.. The correct order of the sentences/ parts is your answer. Choose from the four alternatives the one having the correct order of sentences.

1. 1. There are many roads into the world of books, but the way of fiction is probably the most common.
P. Then too the appeal of the story, whether told as poem, play, history, biography, or novel is primitive and strong.
Q. The reason is plain.
R. They are to us what epic poetry was to the Greeks and Romans, what the stage the Elizabethans.
S. The novel and the short story come closer to the experience of the modern reader than any other form of contemporary writing.
6. Mankind’s delight in stories is as timeless and universal as the art of the story teller.

(A) Q S R P                                (B) S R P Q
(C) R S Q P                                (D) P R S Q

Sentence Rearrangement
2. 1. The works of William Shakespeare
P. have provided us
Q. that have become
R. such common expressions
S. with a number of phrases
6. that few realize their source.
(A) RQSP                                (B) SQRP
(C)PSQR                                 (D) QPSR

3. 1. The ever spiralling costs
P. to take another look
Q. at the plant remedies
R. of modern synthetic drugs
S. may force western medicine,
6. used by the Third World Countries.
(A) QRSP                                (B) PSRQ
(C)QPSR                                 (D) RSPQ

4. 1. Very many people
P. from those
Q. spend money in
R. that their natural
S. ways quite different’
6. tastes would enjoin.
(A) PSQR                                (B) QSPR
(C) QPSR                                (D) RSPQ

5. 1. Addiction to alcoholic drinks affects the social life of the people.
P. Gradually drinking becomes a habit.
Q. The person becomes an addict.
R. When once it becomes a habit, it is difficult to give up.
S. A person begins to drink just for the fun of it.
6. If he doesn’t have his bottle of drink, he becomes restless.
(A) S P R Q                                (B) S R Q P
(C)Q R P S                                 (D) Q P R S

6. 1 There are some places that experience heavy rains throughout the year.
P. So, the local administration should take steps to provide a proper drainage system to clear the stagnant water.
Q. If water stagnates on the road sides, it leads to the spread of infectious diseases.
R. Additionally, measures should be taken to spray disinfectants.
S. In such places, people adapt themselves to moist weather.
6. By taking such steps, spread of diseases can be checked.
(A) Q P S R                                (B) S Q P R
(C) Q S P R                                (D) S RP Q

7. 1. The pen
P. which has helped man
Q. is the vehicle of
R. to rise above
S. thought and ideas
6. purely savage conditions.
(A) QSPR                                (B) RSPQ
(C)SPQR                                 (D) PRQS

8. 1. India is mostly the land of villages.
P. India was very backward before independence.
Q. But after independence India has made tremendous progress.
R. Most of the people live in villages.
S. Agriculture is the main occupation of these people.
6. Today India exports many industrial goods all over the world.
(A) SRQP                                (B) RSPQ
(C)PRQS                                 (D) QPRS

9. 1.The eyes of seeing persons
P. to the routine of their surroundings
Q. and they actually see
R. soon become accustomed
S. only the startling and spectacular
(A) PQSR                                (B) PRSQ
(C)RPQS                                 (D) QPSR

10. 1.Though he was a man
P. when there
Q. who held all life sacred,
R. he did not hesitate to kill
S. and loved all forms of life
6. was no choice
(A) RPQS                                (B) PSQR
(C)QSRP                                 (D) SQPR

11. 1.For a moment
P. that I am terrible old
Q. since I
R. and that it is a very long time ago
S. I forget.
6. was a child
(A) QPRS                                (B) PSRQ
(C)RPQS                                 (D) SPRQ

12. 1. A few days later
P. when my friend
Q. that night
R. I was working on a report
S. that had to go
6. walked into my office.
(A) PRQS                                (B) RQSP
(C) QPSR                                (D) RSQP

13. 1.When a boy grows into a young man, he finds himself in a new and strange world.
P. The relationship remains, but its nature changes.
Q. The emotional ties that he had with them are now loosened.
R. The old pattern of his life in which his parents were the nucleus around which his life revolved now undergoes a change.
S. He finds in himself an emotional void which he must somehow fill.
6. At this stage of life he is like a body without a soul or a flower without fragrance.

14. 1. Imitation is not civilization.
P. As ass in a lion’s skin never makes a lion.
Q. It is verily the sign of awful degradation in a man.
R. Cowardly imitation never makes for progress.
S. When a man has begun to hate himself, the last blow has come.
6. When a man has begun to be ashamed
of his ancestors, the end has come.
(A) P Q R S                                (B) S P R Q
(C) PRQS                                   (D) Q S R P

15. 1. Democracy, more than any other form of government, needs good citizenship.
P. But it has to be freedom of service selfchosen and sometimes of sacrifice selfimposed.
Q. Under absolutism or dictatorship, men are forced into line.
R. Freedom is the essence of democracy: the more complete the democracy, the more complete the freedom.
S. But in a democracy things are not so simple.
6. That is not the instinct of the natural man; yet somehow that habit has to be acquired.
(A) SQPR                                (B) RSQP
(C) PRQS                                (D) QSRP

16. 1: In 1668 an important discovery was made.
P : He put some rotting meat and fish in open jars and watched them.
Q : When he covered the jars with muslin, he found that flies came and laid their eggs on the muslin, but no maggots developed on the meat.
R. In time, he noticed that flies came and laid their eggs in the meat and the maggots hatched from the eggs.
S. An Italian physician named Redi decided to test the idea that worms were generated spontaneously in rotting meat.
6. That was the beginning of the end of the theory of spontaneous generation of higher plants and animals.
(A) P Q S R                                (B) S P R Q
(C) S R P Q                                (D) R P Q S

17. 1. There is no sound more familiar in Calcutta than the clanking of its tramcars,
P. For a growing body of opinion in the city, trams are a symbol of urban blight.
Q. It is also an irritant. R. All day and late into the night the trundling roll of a tram has become a
symbol, a portent.
S. Slow, overcrowded and unwieldy, they are thought of as obstructionist and outmoded.
6. Their progress is regarded with the mixture of dread and embarrassment reserved for the approach of a cantankerous old aunt.
(A) RQPS                                (B) RQSP
(C) QSPR                                (D) PSRQ

18. 1. In England, yesterday, villagers were amazed to see a number of youths floating over a field.
P. One boy let go his umbrella and landed on a cow from a height of about ten feet.
Q. Luckily, there were not as many casualties as there might have been.
R. Another ended up in a pond.
S. The youths, it appeared had inflated their fathers’ umbrellas with hydrogen and as a result were borne skywards.
6. The others, however, returned safely to earth by puncturing their umbrellas before they had risen very far.
(A) QSPR                                (B) PQSR
(C) SQPR                                (D) PQRS

19. 1. A recent survey reveals that Indian Engineers play an immensely significant role in the American software industry.
P. Not only this, the Indian Americans own almost 25% of the small information technology firms in the U.S.
Q. And then, over 28% of these hold a Ph.D. the highest percentage among all ethnic groups involved in the software industry.
R. Some dollars might be flowing back but the best of brains are surely being lost to the nation.
S. What catches the attention at the very outset is the number—over a million Indians work in the American software industry.
6. It is high time the leaders addressed themselves to this issue seriously.
(A) PQSR                                (B) SQPR
(C) SQRP                                (D) SPQR

20. 1. Every today
P. many superstitions exist
Q. by a great many people
R. and are believed in
S. among the
6. most civilized nations

(A) SPRQ                                (B)PSQR
(C)SQPR                                 (D)PRQS

Solution: 1 (A) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (B) 5 (B) 6 (B) 7 (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (C)
                 11 (D) 12 (D) 13 (D) 14 (D) 15 (D) 16 (B) 17 (B) 18 (C) 19 (B) 20 (D)


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