Sentence Improvement Practice Set - 2

Directions: A sentence is given which may need improvement. Alternatives are given at (a), (b) and (c) below which may be a better option. In case no improvement in needed, your answer is (d).
Sentence Improvement
1. Neither of them went to school today.
(A) Both of them did not go
(B)Both did not go
(C)Neither went
(D)No improvement

2. I used to have many friends when I was in school.
(A) use to have (B) used to having
(C) used to had (D) No improvement

3. It was mere affection that stopped him from beating his son.
(A) great (B) much
(C) filial (D) No improvement

4. The British superiority all over India drained out our wealth .
(A) domicile (B) residence
(C) dominion (D) No improvement

5. Did you pay your fee yet ?
(A) Had you paid.
(B) Haven’t you paid
(C)Would you pay
(D)No improvement

6. I’ll come to meet you as soon, as I’ll reach Delhi.
(A) I would reach (B) I can reach
(C) I reach (D) No improvement

7. How are you going to have your house painted? I am going to have it black painted.
(A) paint it red
(B) have it painted black
(C) paint
(D) No improvement

8. He is one who gives money or helps others who works for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden
(A) a philosopher (B) a philatelist
(C) a philanthropist (D) No improvement

9. The job wasn’t interesting, but on the contrary it was well-paid.
(A) on the whole
(B) on the other side
(C) on the other hand
(D) No improvement

10. The maid comes twice a day, don’t she?
(A) doesn’t she
(B) does she
(C) do she
(D) No improvement

Solution : 1 (D) 2 (D) 3 (C) 4 (C) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (A) 10 (A)


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