Sentence Improvement Practice Set - 1

Directions : four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrases underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase .

1. Once the scam was unearthed, he had no option but to come clean.
(A) to deny the crime
(B) to confess to the crime
(C) to accuse someone else of the crime
(D) to apologize for the crime
Sentence Rearrangement

2. He kept us in the dark about the latest developments.
(A) were informed after office hours
(B) were informed when it was too late
(C) were given secret information
(D) were not informed at all

3. When a problem crops up, everyone starts passing the buck.
(A) analyses the problem
(B) prepares to resign
(C) pays a bribe
(D) blames someone else

4. Since he had taken the decision without consulting anyone, he had to face the music.
(A) to take the blame
(B) to see the positive side of things
(C) to explain in detail
(D) to entertain the customers

5. He felt like a fish out of water when he moved from Kolkata to Delhi.
(A) uncomfortable
(B) exhausted
(C) energetic
(D) nervous

6. The problem has been sorted out.
(A) revised
(B) supported
(C) resolved
(D) changed

7. The police officers carried out the minister's order.
(A) exited
(B) executed
(C) supported
(D) applied

8. They set off by car for Patna yesterday.
(A) started
(B) left
(C) entered
(D) resonated

9. When the Principal entered the class room, the students shook in their shoes.
(A) stamped the ground with their shoes
(B) showed signs of anger
(C) trembled with fear
(D) stood up to salute

10. In high spirits
(A) full of hope and enthusiasm
(B) under tremendous stress
(C) under the influence of liquor
(D) mentally deranged

11. The Police set the bait to arrest the notorious criminal.
(A) laid the trap
(B) announced the reward
(C) set the record
(D)put the bet

12. When I had no other alternative, I decided to give it a shot.
(A) click a picture
(B) try it once.
(C) pose for a picture
(D)injure someone

13. He turned a blind eye to his her wife's misdemeanour.
(A) pretended not to notice
(B) paid special attention to
(C) covered up for
(D)punished severely

14. All the schemes to defeat the cricket team of England ended in smoke.
(A) fructified gradually
(B) came to nothing
(C)were discarded
(D)were partially carried out

15. This fashion of sandblasted jeans will run its course.
(A) continue for a long time
(B) become very popular
(C) develop and then come to its usual end
(D) end very soon

16. Some people love to drink life to the lees.
(A) to have the best of fun and fortune
(B) to enjoy a life of drinking and dancing
(C) to have a life full of adventures
(D) to have the best of life

17. The lawyer advised his junior to pore over the case thoroughly.
(A) Go through
(B) Go down
(C)Go off
(D) Go out

18. In childhood Mahatma Gandhi could not measure up to his parents' expectation.
(A) Reach the level
(B)Work as hard
(C)Assess the amount
(D)Increase her height

19. Sunidhi Chauhan with her superb performance stole the show.
(A) Stole something from the show
(B)Crept into the show
(C)Won everybody’s praise
(D)Disappeared from the show

20. The corrupt ministers are in good terms with the corrupt leaders of the Opposition.
(A) Kept terms and conditions
(B) are friendly
(C)Followed the rules
(D)Agreed with them

Solution : 1 (A) 2 (D) 3 (D) 4 (A) 5 (A) 6 (C) 7 (B) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (A)
                 11 (A) 12 (B) 13 (A) 14 (B) 15 (C) 16 (C) 17 (A) 18 (A) 19 (C) 20 (B)


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