Infinitive Verb

Important Points : -

1. Had better, would rather, would sooner, rather than, sooner than,  but, except will, can, do, must. may let don't take "to" after them in sentence. It also call Bare Infinitive ( infinitive without to).

Make and Watch are Bare infinitive in Active Voice and Full infinitive in Passive Voice.


(a) Please let me go now.

(b) You had better stay with me for a few days.

(c) I would rather fail than cheat in the exam.

(d) She did nothing but sleep the whole day.

(e) He does nothing except supervise the work.

(f) She made me laugh.

(g) I was made to laugh by her.

(h) I watch her start the car.

(i) She was watched to start the car by Ravi.

2. Verb such as learn, remember, promise, swear, consent, neglect, refuse, purpose, try, endeavor, attempt, fail, care, hope, decide, hesitate, prepare, determine, undertake, manage, arrange, seem. forget, agree, regret etc. are followed by infinitive.

Ex : We endeavor to invite such persons. 

See  can be used with infinitive or without it .
Ex : Go to see him. or Go and see him.

3. Verbs such as order, tell, invite, oblige, allow, permit, compel, teach, instruct, advise, tempt, encourage, urge, request, show, remind, forbid, warm etc are use object and infinitive after it.

Ex : The teacher instructed the students to go.

 Infinitive is used after adjectives like delight, angry, glad, astonished, surprised, horrified, disappointed etc.
Ex : I was astonished to find him.
2. If infinitive verb indicate event before the principal verb than infinitive verb is Perfect infinitive (to + have + V3 )

Ex : 
       (a) He has admitted to have stolen my watch.
       (b) he has confessed to have raped the minor girl.
       (c) Netaji is believed to have died in air crash.

3. If Infinitive used at the last of sentence than we should use appropriate preposition with it.

Ex : 
       (a) I gave him a pen to write with.
       (b) He has no house to live in.
       (c) There is a chair to sit on.
       (d) You can take that arm chair to sit in.

4. Split Infinitive :-  If any adverb is used in between Full Infinitive (to + V1), than it called split infinitive which is wrong.
Ex : 
    (a) She invited me to often visit her. (wrong)
          She often invited me to visit her. (correct) 

    (b) He advised me to immediately consult a doctor. (wrong)
          He advised me to consult a doctor immediately. (correct)


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